14-15yrs: A Member who attends meetings, trainings, special events and community projects that is prohibited from responding to calls. Jr. Cadets are taught basic first aid and CPR for the professional rescuer.
16-17yrs (and 18 if still in high school): A Member who attends meetings, trainings, special events, community projects and who is scheduled to ride a weekly shift in accordance with child labor laws. Cadets are taught basic first aid and CPR for the professional rescuer and who's encouraged to attend the NJ EMT Class
18yrs+: A Member who attends meetings, trainings, special events, community projects and who is scheduled to ride a weekly 12hr shift in accordance our by-laws/ SOG's. Members are encouraged to attend the NJ EMT Class.
A person that does not want to ride in an ambulance but would like to dedicate/ volunteer time to the organization whether it's a fundraiser, helping at a special event, or a food pantry.
EMS Task Force members are a dedicated group of specially trained individuals that are designated by the state to respond to large scale incidents.
Email: info@gpvac.org
Mailing: Glenwood Pochuck Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Inc. P.O. Box 241 Glenwood, NJ 07418
1 Drew Mountain Rd. Vernon, NJ 07861